About us

Who are we?

We are whipped & co, a girl gang for romantic, elegant, and unique styles. We are a start-up fashion brand, born out of the passion and determination of two sisters, Sholape and Pelumi. After returning from the United Kingdom to our homeland, we found ourselves yearning for a fashion brand that reflected our sense of style and celebrated the romantic essence of life, the importance of friendships, and our love for a fulfilling lifestyle.

As young girls, we faced the challenge of not knowing where to find quality women's wear that resonated with our style. It was in that moment that we realized we had the power to fill that void ourselves. Armed with creativity, resilience, and a burning desire to make a mark in the fashion industry, we embarked on an extraordinary journey.
We began to design and make pieces we love, so excited about the possibilities we wanted to share this with the rest of the world. With every stitch, every fabric choice, and every design element, we poured our hearts into creating a brand that exudes romance, elegance, and confidence. We sourced luxurious fabrics from around the world and collaborated with skilled artisans to bring our creative vision to life. Each piece we crafted tells a story of love, empowerment, and the celebration of life's magical moments.

What we are building?

Our brand is more than just clothing. We are building a community—a sisterhood of like-minded women who understand the power of love, appreciate the beauty of friendships, and embrace the joy of a fulfilling lifestyle. Our brand hopes to become a place where women can connect, inspire, and support one another on their unique journeys.

Through carefully curated events and collaborations, we plan to create spaces where women could come together to celebrate the beauty of life's moments. From intimate gatherings where friendships blossomed to larger affairs that ignited a sense of belonging, each occasion served as a testament to the power of connection and the magic that happens when women support one another.

As a start-up fashion brand, we understand the challenges that women face in a fast-paced world. We are here to remind them to embrace their individuality, to cherish the bonds they share, and to find solace in the romance of life's experiences. Our brand stands as a symbol of empowerment, resilience, and the pursuit of a life well-lived.

We invite women to join us on this extraordinary journey, to wear our creations with pride, and to become part of our community—a community that celebrates love, cherishes friendships, and believes in the power of a fulfilling lifestyle. Together, we will inspire, uplift, and make our mark in the world of fashion, while creating memories and connections that last a lifetime.